Clinical Trials

B-Cure Laser's Clinical Trials

Joint-Related Chronic Pain (TMJ)
Sapienza University in Rome, Italy

Clinical trial of 90 patients (30 B-Cure active Laser, 30 placebo, 30 pain relief medication) affected by Joint-Related Pain (TMJ).
The results:

The double blind clinical trial, involving 90 patients, has shown a significant reduction in both the B-Cure active laser and drug groups vs the B-Cure Placebo Laser. Significance –  p<0.01

Pain reduction of the active group was no different than the drug group.

Published in: Cranio, April 2019

Link to the publication

Diabetic Wounds
Hadassah Hospital

12 weeks of daily B-Cure Laser Pro treatments  have significantly decreased wound size in patients with diabetic foot ulcers compared to sham irradiated controls. Significance – p=0.01.

70% of the active patients but only 11% of the sham patients had >90% wound closure by the end of the study. Significance – p=0.019.

Link to Dr. Haze presenting the Clinical Trial
Link to the publication

Post Back Surgery
Beneficência of Sao Paulo Hospital, Brazil

The results showed a decrease in temperature, drainage output, acute and *chronic pain relief and accelerated healing in the laser group. Significance –  p<0.001 (pain). The decrease of temperature is an objective measurement, which further supports the efficacy.

Published in: American Society for Laser Medicine and Surgery 2014. (Submission in process)

Shoulder Surgery Rehabilitation
The Holy Family Hospital

Self-applied photobiomodulation following rotator cuff arthroscopic surgery, found that PBM significantly accelerated subjective pain reduction at 3 and 6 months. This nonpharmacologic add-on therapeutic modality is easy to use and encourages active patient involvement. Its potential use in rehabilitation following other surgeries should be considered.

Joint-Related Pain (TMJ)
University of Parma, Italy

A 50% decrease in acute and *chronic pain level within two weeks, compared to 8% within the control group.
Published in: The “Laser Therapy”, March 2015.
Link to the publication

Dental Implantation
Health Care Institution of Perm, Russia

The use of original LLLT techniques in prevention and treatment regimens before and after dental implantation, significantly reduces the frequency and intensity of pain symptoms. Significance –  p<0.01. The results showed a decrease of temperature, drainage output, acute and *chronic pain relief and accelerated healing in the laser group. Significance –  p<0.001 (pain).

Professional Recommendations on LLLT

Systematic Literature Review
Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, 2018

A systematic literature review published in “Photomedicine and Laser Surgery”, November 2018, supports the outstanding efficacy of B-Cure Laser vs. all medical photomedicine devices for home use worldwide, for the treatment of pain and wound healing.

B-Cure Laser was cited in 4 out of 14 studies! 29% of the patients in the entire literature review studies received the B-Cure Laser therapy treatment.

American College of Physicians’ Guidelines, Lower Back Pain
American College of Physicians’ Guidelines, Low Back Pain

American College of Physicians’ Guidelines include a “strong recommendation” for Low-Level Laser Therapy as a non invasive treatment for acute, subacute & chronic lower back pain.
(April 2017).

The LANCET, Neck Pain
LANCET, 2009

We show that LLLT reduces pain immediately after treatment in acute neck pain and up to 22 weeks after completion of treatment in patients with chronic neck pain”.
(December 2009)

MASCC’ Guidelines, Oral Mucositis
MASCC, Mucositis, 2018

International guidelines recommend the “use of low level laser therapy for treatment of Oral Mucositis“.
(November 2018).

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